This page is supposed to serve as a guideline for authors on the following aspects:
Manuscript writing while preserving the formatting
Addressing review comments and following the review process
Delays in Publishing
Often, conference organizers have found that authors ignore basic formatting and typesetting guidelines during the review to publication stage. This leads to long review cycles and proofreading cycles, causing significant delays in manuscript publication. Such delays create unpleasant experiences for everyone involved in the process, including authors, reviewers, organizers, and publishers.
Tip 1: Always type your manuscript in the template provided by the conference organizing committee.
You can write your manuscript in any word document and later copy and paste the contents into the template.
When you paste the text, it is important that you use the option "keep text only" (see Figure 1 below). This step will ensure that the formatting guidelines in the template provided by the publisher are always maintained.

Figure 1. While pasting your text use the Keep Text only option
Tip 2: Tables & Figures
It has often been found that authors tend to use screenshots from their presentations in place of tables. This practice is highly discouraged and leads to delays in the publication process. See Figure 2, where the proper method of including tables is shown directly in the provided template.

Figure 2. Use the tables provided in the manuscript itself
In addition, always try to use the fit content option to ensure the text inside the tables is preserved. See figure 3 as an example of this.
Please refer to this useful learning resource from youtube or the Video Below.
Figures: Many authors have found it difficult to comply with the figure requirements of the publisher. Here are some useful ways to get around this issue.

Observe how the smallest text in the figure's quantities is atleast as large as the figure caption

Save space with Composite figures. But Notice how labeling is done and how its described in the figure caption
Reviewer Comments: Peer review process relies on reviews by the peers. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for the authors to address any peer review comments in a timely fashion. Typically no longer than 5 working days.
The following section describes the process in some details. Below is the sample of the review comments that has been received for a submission and the response to the review comments by the authors. For both the reviewers the authors must create responses in a single document and this document must be uploaded during the revision on the online system. Without this the peer review process will not be completed, the papers would be rejected, and the papers would never be indexed in SCOPUS or WoS.
Reviewer A
Through this article the authors have presented their study on the dependence of "factor x" on "factor y" under the variation in "factor z" and "factor g". The study is well supported by experiments. However, the reviewer feels that the introduction part of the paper is too long and the authors can focus more on their work in this paper, this way their contribution would be well recognized by the researcher community. Hence are my suggestions
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