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1250 INR | 15 USD 

Student & PhD Scholars


  1. Online Conference Sessions

  2. Free Publication

  3. Participation in the Best Paper Award

  4. Participation in the Best Presentation Award

  5. Invitation to write an article for a Special issue

3000 INR | 40 USD



  1. Online Conference Sessions

  2. Free Publication

  3. Participation in the Best Paper Award

  4. Participation in the Best Presentation Award

  5. Invitation to write an article for a Special issue

5000 INR | 60 USD



  1. Online Conference Sessions

  2. Free Publication

  3. Participation in the Best Paper Award

  4. Participation in the Best Presentation Award

  5. Invitation to write an article for a Special issue

** Only extended versions of SPAST Reports proceedings will be invited for special issues.  As per the Publisher's requirements extended articles should be less than 30% overlap with the proceedings article. 

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