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Authors of all the abstracts that appeared in the conference shall be invited for publication as a proceedings article. The published articles volume will be sent for indexing in SCOPUS through the publisher's direct channel.  The SCOPUS and Web of Science has its own selection criteria that cannot be influenced by Taylor & Francis.

The papers will be published Taylor & Francis Group (CRC Press, Routledge).

Peer-Review Policies
All conference proceedings will undergo peer review. The following criteria for peer-review shall be ensured by the conference committee at all times:
1. Plagiarism: The similarity index would be lower than 10% for all articles.
2. For conference proceedings, the technical/scientific validity of the articles is the primary criteria for acceptance.
3. The acceptance ratio for conference proceedings would be 60%.  Additional articles that comply with item 1 and 2 then the committee may decide to accept the articles.
4. All manuscripts will undergo atleast one round of peer-review by two independent reviewers.
5. Articles that have the potential to be perceived as politically inclined will be immediately rejected.
6. Manuscripts with poor grammar would lead to immediate rejection.
7. Manuscripts with poor quality figures that have no clarity will be immediately rejected.

The committee would submit a report to the publishing partner regarding the peer-review process and specify if any exceptions to the rule that have been made.

To be paid upon acceptance

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