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SCOPE/ Tracks


The conference's prime focus is analytics and its applications towards various fields of the academia that include but are not limited to:




  • Mechanical Engineering-  Fluids and CFD, Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics, Thermal Engineering, Renewable Energy, Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation, Aerospace and Avionics, AI and Industry IoT, Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Ship building, Naval, and Marine architecture, Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) and Failure Analysis


  • Civil & Structural Engineering- Industrial Management, Project Management and Operation Research, Engineering Education, Applied Science, Soil Engineering, Applied Science, Advanced Structural Materials, Concrete technology, Bridge, Construction management, Building Information Modelling, Construction Materials and Management, Earthquake Engineering, Steel Structure, Green building materials, Geotechnical, Geological and Geophysical Investigation, Foundation Engineering, Ground Improvement Techniques, Water Resources, Remote Sensing, Computational, Analytical and Numerical Modelling, Transportation Engineering, Highways, Road & Railway, Sustainable construction technology, Environmental, GIS, AI & ML applications in Civil Engineering. 


  • Electrical/Electronics, Telecommunications-Applications of Power Electronics in Renewable Energy, Applications of Power Electronics in Robotics & Automation, Advanced Wind Resource Assessment Techniques, Application of Data Analytics in Energy Management, Blockchain Applications for Distributed Energy Generation (DER), Electric Vehicles and the impact on the Grid, Energy Efficient Buildings, Energy Forecasting, Energy policies & Standards, Energy Storage solutions for Utility-scale PV generation, Hydrogen as the future energy source, IoT in Power System Applications, Modelling of Energy Systems, Resilient, Power Generation Systems, Sustainable Energy Technologies, Urban Microgrids and smart grids, Control in Power Electronics
    Converter topologies, Custom power, Distributed generation, Electric Drives, Modulation techniques, Energy storage and E-mobility, Lighting & illumination, Power Electronics Education (Review papers, pedagogy etc), Renewable energy Resources
    Ultra capacitors and Battery charging technologies, Wide Band gap devices, e-vehicle, Advanced Control Techniques Advanced RF measurement techniques, Antenna for mobile and vehicular communication application, Antennas and systems for 5G and beyond, Metamaterials for antennas, Millimeter, Terahertz antennas and systems, MIMO and arrays, Planar antennas and arrays
    Remote sensing systems, RF & Microwave Circuits for Next Gen Communications, Terrestrial, Earth-Space and Ionospheric propagation, Tunable and reconfigurable antennas, AR/VR, Entertainment and Gaming, Computer Architecture & Embedded Systems, Consumer Systems for Healthcare and Wellbeing, Devices, Circuits & Systems, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Technology, Industrial Electronics, Next Gen Communications, Networks & IoT, Sensors, Systems and Applications
    Smart Cities, Vehicular Technology & Intelligent Transportation, VLSI for Applied and Future Computing, Multicore system-on-chip based embedded systems and applications, Biomedical Imaging and Image Processing. Instrumentation, Sensors.


  • Computer sciences and Software Engineering- Software Analytics & Visualization, Computer Architectures using emerging technology & Quantum Computing, AI, Data Science and Scalable Machine Learning, Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems, Cloud Systems Security, Privacy and Trust in Distributed Systems, Robotics, control systems and AI, Cryptography and security solutions, Cyber-physical system forensics, Network, cloud, distributed and cyber systems security, Multicore system-on-chip based embedded systems and applications, Algorithms and Data Structures, Automata Theory, Big Data, Blockchain, Computational Complexity, Economics, Geometry, Computational Physics & Biology, Computational Science and Applications, Cryptography, Data Mining, Deep Learning, Devops Models, Practices, Challenges, Information Theory, Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Probabilistic Computation, Program Semantics and Verification, Quantum Computation, Theoretical Computer Science and Algebra, Information technologies & Sciences, Fuzzy logic and systems.




  • Mathematics & Physics- Objectives of classical mechanics, Developments of classical mechanics, Description of the theory
    Position and its derivatives, Velocity and speed, Acceleration. Frames of reference, Forces; Newton's second law, Work and energy, Beyond Newton's laws, Limits of validity, The Newtonian approximation to special relativity, The classical approximation to quantum mechanics, Atmospheric physics, Remote sensing, Cloud physics, Atmospheric electricity, Physical and chemical processes, Radiation, optical and electrical effects, Precipitation and cloud microphysics, Atmospheric dynamics and general circulation, Synoptic meteorology, Atmospheric dynamics and general circulation, Weather systems in specific regions, Atmospheric energetics, Numerical modeling and forecasting, Physical and chemical processes in the atmosphere, Radiation, optical effects, electricity, Atmospheric turbulence and transport processes. The scientific topics of the conference shall focus on both abstract and applied mathematics. The topics would include but not limited to- differential equations, applied numerical methods, boolean, fuzzy sets and logic, neural networks, graph theory, fractal theory, image processing, control theory, fixed point theory, optimization techniques and coding theory.


  • Chemistry- The scientific topics of the conference shall focus on both theoretical and experimental aspects chemistry and electrochemistry. The topics would include but not limited to― design, reagents, physical chemistry, nano-gels, processes, polymer-gels, micro nanogels, super capacitors, renewable energy generation, energy storage, petroleum, particulate solids/solids processing, sensors-chemical, biosensors etc.


  • Biology- Taxonomy, Ecology, Food Safety, Morphology, Evolution, Physiology, Anatomy, Genetics, Plant Physiology, Histology, Immunology, Radiobiology, Cytology Marine Biology Structural Biology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Theoretical Biology, Biophysics, Molecular Biology, Virology, Biotechnology, Mycology, Zoology, Botany, Parasitology, Genetic Counsellors. Cell Biology, Photobiology, Epidemiology, Embryology Cryobiology Paleontology, Bioinformatics QA / QC Astrobiology, Actinobiology, Anthology, Pharmacognosy, Pharmacology Agronomy Sericulture, Enzymology, Horticulture, Paleozoology, Pisciculture, Pathology & Agroforestry, Ethology & Toxicology.


  • Environmental Sciences- Agriculture and Food, Biodiversity and conservation, Biogeochemical cycles, Climate and ecology, Energy, Environmental chemistry, Environmental health, Environmental risk assessment, Environmental engineering, sustainability, and green technology, Infrastructure and Sustainability, Natural resources, Policy, socioeconomics, and law, Pollution, Water and hydrology, Atmospheric science and meteorology, Climatology and paleoclimatology, Geochemistry, Geography, Geology, Geophysics, Glaciology, Mineralogy and petrology, Oceanography, Paleontology, Soil Science, Volcanology.


  • Sensors & Wearable Electronics- All aspects of physical, chemical and biosensors; Flexible and printed, sensors systems for health monitoring of the elderly, sensors for biomedical applications, sensors for industries, sensors for drug manufacturing, food industry and agro- industries, sensors for IoT based farming, quantum sensing, bio-reabsorbing or bio-degradable sensors for implantable medical applications, next generation smart sensors (defined by IEEE standard 1451), lab-on-chip, optoelectronic and optomechanical sensors, Human computer interaction applications, 3-D sensing, image sensors & computer vision, wearable devices, wireless sensors, WSN, ubiquitous sensors materials for sensors, chemometrics, arrays, remote sensors, touch and tactile sensors. wireless body area networks (WBAN), signal processing in WBANS, signal losses, scalability, gesture control, smart eyewear, exosuits, exoskeletons, walking and gait assist systems, bionic eye, bionic skin, digital bio-markers, biomechanical signals with smart data, android development and integration, functional wearables, flexible displays, fashion and wearable technology.


  • Energy & Storage― lead-acid, carbon materials, traditional batteries, lithium ion, metal-air, battery charge equalization methods and circuits, power management systems, energy harvesting, advanced materials for energy storage, airbridge cells, photovoltaic cells, bio-inspired energy storage systems, supercapacitors, high-capacity negative electrode materials, thermo-electric, scaling of energy storage systems, solar, wind, thermal systems.


  • Materials- polymer composites, coating, surface coating, self-healing coatings, anti-corrosion, graphene, molybdenum electrodes, fuel cells, density function theory, corrosion, metal, crystals, Graphene transistors, self-repair nanosensors, bio-mass to electronics and energy storage, biopolymers and hierarchical porous carbons, anodes for high energy batteries, biomass derived nanostructured materials for rechargeable batteries, graphene coating for battery applications, acoustic properties green materials, phenolic foam, functionalized graphene aerogels, 1-D and 2-D crystals, biomaterials and tissue engineering, advanced materials and devices, energy materials, metal alloys, 3D printing with biomaterials, 3D printed batteries, building materials. cryogenic materials, thin film, cellular manufacturing. Additive manufacturing materials, 4D printed materials. MEMS, sensors, actuators, and other micro/nanosystems, information storage systems, wearable electronics, optical and other recording systems, high speed printers, nanogels, nanomaterials, synthesis of low-dimensional and 2D materials, nanomaterials of environment, nanoscale modelling and applications, nanocatalysts, computational materials, methods and numerical techniques, nanocomposites, green paper, nanostructured solar cells and thermo-electrics, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), electronic skin, spoof surface plasmon structures.

Management & Humanities

  • Applied linguistics helps the people in improving their lifestyle, sustenance of community transformation, and address social problems through investigation of issues relating to how languages are used in daily events as well as in academic and workplace frameworks at the micro- and meso-levels. It’s also important to look at how vernacular can convey different degrees of gravity/meanings about the same word and public policy. Languages are critical for learning and education. Achieving sustainable societies need awareness and education. Symposium focus includes but not limited to-urban and rural entrepreneurship, business education, finance and accounting, strategy and organization, green environmental policy, economics, and legal issues, operations and E-commerce, eco-tourism and hospitality, business communication, information technology for management sciences, operations research for optimization and supply chain, Cyber-Physical Systems to business models, Supply chain, Business practices, Business law, International Business, lean-mean manufacturing, reforms, peace, resource management and economy, economy.

  • Ecological restoration policy making, climate change, justice and criminology, Diversity- Education, Human-Systems Interaction Scenarios, derivatives structuring, technology-enabled business model innovation sustainable cities, climate change agreements, green house gas emissions, carbon footprint, good governance, land resources, agriculture, encroachment, health for all, biodiversity, forest conservation, taxation & fiscal policy issues, financial policies, stock market, tribal communities, sustainability of energy systems, energy, environment and developing countries, demand response tools, natural resources policy for energy extractive industries, eco-mobility and mobility, infrastructure regulation policy, linguistics, bilingualism/multilingualism and communities, teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL), vernacular, learning English for academic purposes, teaching of languages, “language, policy and planning”, teacher identity, learner identity, technologies and learning tools. AI and language learning, AI and linguistics, Computer literacy of liberal arts and humanities major.

  • AI & Humanities for a sustainable society. Human mind perception & computing, AI self-experience & effectiveness, action & assessment of AI as social actor, AI algorithm’s self-learning and human psychology, AI political ideology.

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