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Peer Review Policy:

All VectMag conferences follow a stringent multi-round peer-review process, akin to scholarly journals. This characteristic has been acknowledged by our publishing partners, as evidenced by our comprehensive peer-review data submissions spanning our previous  conferences.


Guidelines for Authors:

Abstract: Should contain the following components (a)  Objective(s); (b) Method(s)/Solution; (c) Key results/Metrics ( no more than 2 sentences);  (d)brief conclusions. The Maximum permissible length for Abstract is 200 words.


Introduction: Check for the (a) Context (b) Importance and motivation of the article 


Literature Review/ Related Work/ Background:  Check for the following three broad components (a) Key works, their motivations and findings (b) Knowledge gaps in the existing literature (c) Relevance of cited literature in the current times.


Key contributions: Atleast one key contribution of the presented article should be mentioned that demonstrates how the authors have added to the existing body of knowledge.


Methods/Experiments: Check how the presented method and experiment is relevant in supporting the hypothesis or claims being made in the paper.


Results & Discussions: They plots, tables, and figures should be properly discussed, their relevancy to the hypothesis and claims must be indicated clearly. In case of observations or reports style papers the key observations must be mentioned.


Conclusions: Should recap the main contributions of the paper, and the relevant results that indicate towards the validity of the hypothesis/claims.


References: Ensure that all references are in English in the prescribed format with DOI or relevant links.


Self Citation: No more than 3 of own yours should cited.


Images/Plots/Artwork: Should be legible for audience and the font size inside the plots should be atleast as large as the figure caption. Earlier guideline is provided here: 



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