Partnered conference between Vardhaman College of Engineering, RK University, and VectMag.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis CRC Press.
Indexing: Proceedings book sent to SCOPUS for indexing, you may refer to indexing of ISC 2023 [Click the button below]
Theme: Digital Transformation & Sustainability of Business
About ICDTSB-24
Digital transformation and Sustainability are two mega trends and critical aspects of modern business strategy. When digital transformation and sustainability are integrated effectively, business can experience a competitive advantage which leads to an improved business performance like increased operational efficiency, enhanced customer satisfaction and long-term resilience. The strategies are unique to each organization. It has become inevitable to align these strategies with the core values of the business and consistently measure the progress. Digital transformation brings innumerable opportunities to accelerate the advancement in business processes which helps in improving the sustainability of the business.
About Vardhaman College of Engineering
Vardhaman College of Engineering (VCE) was established in the year 1999 by Vardhaman Educational Society, Hyderabad. It is a UGC Autonomous college, approved by AICTE, and is permanently affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad. We offer undergraduate B.Tech programmes in CSE, CSE (AI&ML), AI&ML, AI&DS, IT, ECE, EEE, ME and CE; postgraduate M.Tech programmes with specialisation in DECS, PEED, CSE, SE, and ED; MBA programme; and doctoral programmes in CSE, ECE and ME. The college is accredited by NAAC at A++ grade with a CGPAof 3.58 on a scale of 4. Six of its UG engineering programmes – B. Tech ECE, EEE, CSE, ME, CE, and IT, PG Programme-MBA are accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi under the Tier-1 category. VCE is the most sought-after institute to make the dreams fulfilled for many aspiring engineers. Our major strength lies in imparting quality education to the global standards and envisages to address various societal needs.
About RK University
RK University is the oldest state private university accredited by NAAC-UGC in western Gujarat region and ranked 4th across the nation in Swachh Campus Ranking 2018 by MHRD, Government of India.
RK University is the only University in Saurashtra region to be in the Top 200 Universities in India for two consecutive years as per NIRF Ranking (2021 & 2022) by Ministry of Education, Government of India. Out of 1438 HEIs across the nation, RK University secured a position in Top Private Universities in India to get Excellent Band category in Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA 2021) published by Ministry of Education, Government of India.
Call for Papers
Original unpublished research work preferably (but not limited) of the following topics are invited for submission:
Human Resource Management
Finance & Accounting
Operations & Supply Chain Management
Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Information Technology
Education & Economy
Important Dates
Submission of full Manuscript - 16 February 2024
Notification of Acceptance - 25 February 2024
Author Registration - 05 March 2024
Submission of Camera Ready Paper - 10 March 2024
Organizing Committee
General Chairs
Dr. JVR Ravindra, Principal, VCEH
Dr. Amith Lathigara, Dean, Faculty of Technology, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat
Dr. J. Krishna Chaithanya, Associate Professor, Dean R&D,VCEH
Dr. Sukanya Metta, Professor & HOD, MBA, VCEH
Organizing Chairs @ VCE
Dr. Suneetha S, Professor, Dept of MBA, VCEH
Dr. R S Ch Murthy Chodisetty, Associate Professor, Dept of MBA, VCEH
Mr. Ravichandra BS, Assistant Professor, Dept of MBA, VCEH
Mr. Y. Suryanarayana Murthy, Assistant Professor, Dept of MBA, VCEH
Organizing Chairs @ RK University
Dr. Chintan Rajani, Prof & Deputy Director, MBA, RK University, Gujarat.
Dr. Nirav V. Bhatt, Professor, Department of CE, RK University, Gujarat.
Dr. Paresh J. Tanna, Professor, Department of CE, RK University, Gujarat.
Dr. Kuldeep Jobanputra, Associate Professor, MBA, RK University, Gujarat.
Publishing Committee
1. Dr. Sai Kiran Oruganti, TIH IIT Patna and SPAST Foundation
2. Srinesh Singh Thakur, SPAST Foundation
3. Dr. Dimitrios A Karras NKUA, Greece
Registration Details
ng Committee
Publication fee for CRC proceedings: Rs.10,000
Paper Submission Through: https://seasexpress.com/index.php/seas/user/register
Website: https://icdtsb.com/
Mail id: icdtsb@vardhaman.org
Further Information: 9989878678 | 9866098128