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[Indexed Proceedings] First IAC Conference Volume Indexed in EI (SCOPUS's Engineering Database)

Dear VectMag Community:

We are pleased to send out a very exciting update regarding the indexing of the First IAC Conference's Book titled: "Advancements in Science and Technology for Healthcare, Agriculture, and Environmental Sustainability: A Review of the Latest Research and Innovations"

ISBN 9781032708348

SCOPUS Indexing

As per the rules that were clarified in the post here: Rules & Clarification

So how Indexing is working now?

Recently several publishing houses have received clarifications from Elsevier that all proceedings with an ISBN will have to come through Engineering Village for indexing first. If the proceedings book that contains the ISBN has been accepted by Engineering Village or EI Compendex indexing then it is automatically reflected in SCOPUS database.

For Proceedings with ISSN the indexing will be directly done by SCOPUS and then it will be reflected in EI compendex / Engineering Village.

Time cycle: 3 to 6 months post online publication of the content

Kind Regards

VectMag Team

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